Tag Archive: smtp

Effortless email testing with FakeSMTP

Each web application today sends some emails out. Those could be various information, reports, notifications etc. Sooner or later you will get a task to prepare and send an email. There are different ways how you can code the logic for generating email messages. What can sometimes be a bit cumbersome is testing this logic during development.

There are three major concerns, when it comes to email testing. One is configuring the right SMTP server, which is reachable, can talk with the application and takeover the sent email. Second is making sure that no test email reach real users, because nobody likes to be spammed (one could easily become confused, or even angry). The last one is taking care that your SMTP server does not get blacklisted, which can happen if you send a lot of funny “test 123456” emails out to the internet. Little tools like FakeSMTP could get very handy in resolving those concerns.

Read more about how to use FakeSMTP